Can Chickens Eat Celery? Expert Advice for Poultry Keepers

Updated: 24 Sep 24


Celery is famous for its crunchy texture and vibrant green color. Poultry enthusiasts are pondering this fundamental query: can my chickens eat celery? Yes, backyard chickens can eat celery as their occasional diet. It is crucial to understand its positive and negative impacts on chicken growth.

Will celery fulfill the dietary needs of our flock? What are the potential risks of feeding celery to chickens? These are basic queries that the poultry keepers raise. So, let’s understand its nutritional value and learn how to make your chickens happy and healthy.

Can Chickens Eat Celery

Can Chickens Eat Celery? Understand Pros and Cons

Is Celery okay for Chickens?

Yes, celery is a safe and nutritious diet for chickens in moderation. It contains high water content, which provides the required hydration to chickens. It offers many nutritional benefits to the flock. To make it a safer and healthier diet, follow the preparation steps below.

Nutritional Breakdown of Celery

A healthy nutritional profile is the first requirement for optimal growth of chickens. So, let’s explore the nutrients offered by celery.

  • Water Content: Celery is considered an excellent hydrating snack for chickens. It consists of 95% of water content. It is good to prevent dehydration in chickens during hot days.
  • Low-Calorie Food: Celery is a low-calorie diet that is good for chickens. It helps chickens to maintain a balanced weight. It prevents obesity.
  • Carbohydrates: Celery provides a good amount of carbohydrates, which boosts the energy levels of the flock.
  • Fiber Content: Celery is good for chickens’ digestive system because it offers healthy fiber. Fiber is good for promoting gut health in chickens.
  • Proteins: Protein content is essential for developing muscles and feathers in chickens. Celery has proteins that improve overall growth.
  • Vitamins: Celery contains vitamins K and folate. In backyard chickens, these support bone health, blood clotting, and cell division.
  • Minerals: Celery provides some healthy minerals to chickens. Especially, potassium is available in good volume. It regulates fluid balance in chickens.
  • Antioxidants: A famous antioxidant, “flavonoids” is available in celery. It is an anti-inflammatory and supportive of the immune system of chickens.

How to feed Chickens Celery?

To achieve maximum output from celery, its preparation is very important. We suggest some simple but effective steps to make celery safe and healthy for chickens.

  • Select Fresh Celery: We have always suggested that chicken enthusiasts go for a fresh and natural diet for their flock.
  • Wash it thoroughly: Rinse celery under running water till all the dirt or contamination is removed.
  • Trim Celery: We have observed that the ends or wilted parts of celery can cause digestive concerns for chickens. So, trim these wilted parts.
  • Chop or Slice it: We favor serving whole celery to chickens. It can cause choking issues. So, cut them into 2-3 inches pieces.
  • Mix with other foods: It is good to mix celery with a routine diet of chickens. It will prevent the nutritional imbalance and luring for your flock.
  • Introduce Gradually: If you serve celery to chickens for the first time, use a small quantity. Let your flock get familiar with its taste and texture.
  • Observe the Response: Let the chickens peck at small pieces of celery and record their reaction. Adjust the volume according to their liking or interest.
  • Moderation: Always remember that celery is an occasional diet of chickens. So, keep its volume limited and focus on the primary source of nutrients for the flock. Excessive use of celery is not recommended for chickens.

 Can Baby Chickens Eat Celery?

Yes, chicks can have celery in small quantities. Baby chickens have weak or immature immune systems and need some extra care about their feed. Chicks require more nutrients to achieve optimal growth. So, we advise you to properly prepare celery feed. Introduce baby chickens in small portions. Observe their reaction and adjust the feed accordingly.

Can Chickens Eat Raw Celery?

Yes, chickens can munch on raw celery. It is a crunchy and flavorful diet for chickens. They will love to have celery in raw form. Raw celery provides some healthy nutritional benefits to your flock. It is crucial to follow the preparation steps discussed earlier. Although raw celery is safe after proper preparation, overfeeding harms chicken growth.

Can Chickens Eat Cooked Celery?

Yes, backyard chickens can have cooked celery. The cooking process makes the texture of celery softer. It is easier to digest for chickens. Decontamination and chopping of celery are highly supportive for chickens. The use of additives and preservatives is not recommended. Serve plain cooked celery in moderation to your flock.

Will Chickens Eat Celery Plants?

The celery plant has various parts like leaves, stalks, seeds, and greens or tops. Each of these parts has its characteristics. All of them offer some health benefits to chickens. So, let’s explore them one by one.

Can Chickens Eat Celery Tops?

Yes, chickens can have celery tops. Celery tops are safe and nutrient-rich parts of the plant. They offer chickens vitamins (A, C, and K) and minerals (potassium and calcium). These nutrients are essential for the overall growth of your flock. Chickens love to peck the celery tops. You should follow the preparation guidelines for the safety of the flock. Offer tops in moderation.

Can Chickens Eat Celery Seeds?

Yes, chickens can enjoy their treat with celery seeds. They are small and have no potential risks for chicken’s health. Celery seeds are not an ideal diet for chickens. Incorporate them into the routine diet of chickens sparingly. They are good for diversifying the chicken’s diet. Limit its intake to a minimum portion of the routine diet.  

Can Chickens Eat Celery Stalks?

Yes, chickens enjoy munching on the celery stalks. They offer a good range of nutrients to chickens. Celery stalks are crunchy in raw form but can also be served in cooked form. Select the tender parts of the stalks to prevent choking issues in the flock. Decontamination of celery stalks is very crucial for the safety of chickens. Include celery stalks into the balanced diet of the flock in moderation.

Can Chickens Eat Celery Greens?

Yes, chickens can have celery greens in moderation. They love to peck at greens. Celery greens are filled with vitamins. Celery greens can be served to chickens in both raw and cooked form. There is a potential risk of dirt or pesticide residue. Therefore, clean them thoroughly under running water. Cut them into small pieces to prevent choking issues in your flock. Offer celery greens sparingly in limited amounts to chickens.

Can Hens Eat Celery Leaves?

Yes, you can feed chickens celery leaves in moderation after proper preparation. Celery leaves offer vitamins A, C, and K. These are healthy nutrients for chicken growth. There are some antioxidants, including flavonoids, which an anti-inflammatory agents. Chop the leaves into small pieces to make a soothing diet for chickens. We have not recommended celery leaves as the primary source of nutrition for chickens. So, serve them in small amounts with caution.

Health Benefits of Celery for Chickens

We have analyzed the nutritional profile of celery and are convinced that it has some benefits for chicken’s health. Here are some common benefits:

  • Celery is helpful in hot weather to prevent dehydration in chickens.
  • Celery supports the digestive process and aids the gut health of chickens.
  • Vitamins A, C, and K are good for the overall growth of chickens.
  • Minerals like calcium and potassium which are essential for bone strength.
  • It has antioxidants which reduce the oxidative stress in chickens.
  • Due to its low-calorie content, it helps in weight management.
  • Celery is helpful in the reduction of inflammation problems.
  • Celery is good to offer a diversified diet to the flock.

Potential Risks of Celery for Chickens

As we have discussed there are some concerns about feeding celery to chickens. Here are the most common hazards associated with celery intake:

  • Serving large pieces of celery can pose choking threats for chickens.
  • In the initial stages, celery can create digestive issues for chickens.
  • There is a potential risk of residues that are harmful to chickens.
  • Excessive amounts of sodium content can be fatal for chicken’s growth.
  • Excessive intake of celery can create a nutritional imbalance in chickens.

Alternatives of Celery for Chickens

If you are still not convinced to serve celery and looking for some other nutritious options then consider these:

  • Carrots: Carrots are packed with vitamins and minerals essential for chicken’s health. Carrots can be offered to chickens in raw and cooked form. It is the best vegetable for improving eyesight and immune system.
  • Spinach: It is one of the most demanded leafy green vegetables for poultry feed. Spinach is packed with a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Chickens love to peck at small pieces of spinach scattered around the coop.
  • Kale: Kale is famous for its nutrient-dense properties. It can be served as a fresh crunchy treat or dried snack. Kale has antioxidants that relieve oxidative stress in chickens.
  • Zucchini: Like celery, zucchini is full of water content. It prevents dehydration issues in chickens. It can be served raw or cooked. Offer zucchini to chickens in small pieces to prevent choking problems in chickens.
  • Pumpkins: Pumpkin is filled with vitamins A and C which are supportive for chicken’s growth. Chickens love the flavor and taste of pumpkins. Pumpkins provide fiber which aids the digestive system of chickens.
  • Broccoli: Broccoli is a nutrient-rich vegetable and is highly recommended for chickens. Chickens love pecking at Broccoli pieces. It can be served in raw or cooked form. s


We have concluded that chickens can eat celery. It is recommended as an occasional diet for chickens. It provides some healthy nutrients that support the chickens’ overall growth. Celery is a favorable diet for chickens in warm weather as it contains a high water content. Excessive or frequent use of celery is not suggested for backyard chickens. So, serve celery to chickens in moderation after proper preparation.

Samee Ullah

Samee Ullah

A dedicated chicken enthusiast on a mission to share the secrets of optimal avian health. I delve into the intricacies of balanced diets, supplements, and feeding practices that contribute to happy, healthy chickens. Through my writing, I aim to empower fellow enthusiasts, farmers, and backyard flock keepers with knowledge that ensures the overall well-being of our feathered friends.

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