Can Chickens Eat Collard Greens? A Careful Appraisal

Updated: 13 Feb 24


Chicken owners are cautious about the culinary needs of chickens. Can Chickens Eat Collard Green is one of the concerns discussed in every meet-up of chicken enthusiasts. Generally speaking, Yes Chickens can eat collard green. As the title suggests, we will delve into the very aspect of this query and carefully evaluate the merits and demerits of feeding Collard Greens to Chickens. 

To fulfill the dietary needs of chickens is the utmost duty of any chicken owner. You can’t achieve the goals of optimal chicken growth and egg production without a healthy and nutritious diet plan. So, we will evaluate the compatibility of Collard Greens concerning its health effects. We discuss the nutrient profile of Collard Greens. So, let’s start our journey to explore the benefits and risks of feeding Collard Greens to chickens.

Can Chickens Eat Collard Greens? Let’s Decode the Truth

What Are Collard Greens?

Collard Greens belong to the rassica Oleracea (Cruciferous) family. It is famous for its dark green flat leaves full of nutrients (vitamins and minerals). Collard Greens have originated from the Mediterranean region and are famous all over the world now. The leafy green vegetables (Kale, Broccoli, Bok Choy, and Cabbage) have the same nutrient values as Collard greens.  

Are Collard Greens Healthy for Chickens?

Yes, Collard Greens are healthy for chickens if served by guidelines (later in this article). Collard greens are considered a powerhouse due to their rich nutrient profiles. It must be served in moderation. Although, the Collard greens are healthy feed for chickens but should not be used as primary. Careful observation of the response from Chickens and adjustment is very important for optimal results.

Nutritional Profile of Collard Greens

As we have already discussed the richness of nutritious values of Collard greens. Now we will provide you a breakdown of each nutrient in these leafy greens.

  • Vitamins: Collard Greens contain a good amount of Vitamin content. It includes vitamins A, C, and K. These Vitamins support the immune system, improve vision, prevent digestive issues, and strengthen the bones. 
  • Minerals: Minerals play a vital role in the well-being of Chickens. Calcium is important for the formation of eggshells. Magnesium is helpful for bone health and metabolism. Minerals are essential for the overall growth of chickens.
  • Antioxidant content:  Antioxidants are useful to relieve oxidative stress in chickens. Collard Greens are full of antioxidant content which helps in bowel movement and resolves digestive issues.
  • Fiber Content: Fiber is essential for the healthy growth of poultry. Collard Greens contain a well-balanced amount of fiber content that improves gut functioning. It is also effective in the digestive process.
  • Prevents Dehydration: Like Persimmons, Collard Greens have a high quantity of water content. It improves digestion and prevents dehydration problems in chickens. It is very important in warm weather.
  • Diversified Diet: As we have already mentioned chickens like to have a variety of food in their diet plan and Collard Greens are good additives for them. It diversifies their diet and provides multi-nutrients for growth.
  • Weight Balance: Collard greens are filled with nutrients that help maintain weight. Obesity is also a negative aspect for chickens. Fiber content also plays a vital role in their weight management.

How Should you Prepare Collard Greens for your Chickens?

The preparation of food is also an important phase. The owner should always supervise this process because it ensures healthy chickens. There are many ways to prepare a hazard-free diet for chickens but the following are of the most important. Ensure adherence to these simple steps.

  • Rinse Thoroughly: It is essential to wash the Collard Greens under running water. It will remove the dust and dirt over the leaves or stems of Collard Greens. A clean and healthy diet is important for chickens.
  • Remove Hard Stems: As we have observed that the hard stems of Collard greens are tough to eat and digest for chickens. It can also create choking issues for chickens, so removing them is helpful.
  • Serve Small Pieces: Small manageable pieces of Collard Greens are liked by chickens. It makes the feed more palatable and also adds a touch of taste. Therefore suggested to serve bite-sized pieces of Collard Greens.
  • Cooked Collard Greens: Collard greens can be served in raw condition but some chicken owners have suggested feeding them after cooking. According to the experts, chickens like a softer diet. 
  • Never Use Spoiled Greens: It is not recommended to serve spoiled Collard greens to Chickens. It will cause fungal infections in chickens. Digestive concerns are observed with this deadly mistake from chicken owners. 
  • Gradual Introduction: If you are serving Collard Green for the first time to your chickens then must ensure the smaller chunk. Excessive feeding in the initial phase might cause digestive issues and nutrient deficiency.
  • Observation: It is of utmost importance to carefully observe the reaction from your flock and adjust the quantity of Collard Greens accordingly. If something adverse is observed then consult your veterinarian.
  • Rotate the Diet: It is also a good tactic to rotate the Collard Greens to prevent boredom and disinterest in chickens. You can rotate Bok Choy, Spinach, Kale, and Broccoli. 

How to Feed Collard Greens to Chickens?

It is a proven fact that adding Collard Greens to the regular diet of chickens will add an intriguing pulse. We have selected some entertaining ways to feed Collard Greens to Chickens. You may select according to your preference. 

  • Hanging Collard Greens: Every chicken owner knows that pecking and stretching are liked by chickens. So, it is an enticing tactic to hang the Collard Greens to a branch or in the coop and let them enjoy the treat.
  • Scatter the Copped Greens: It is also engaging for chickens to provide a playful environment during the feeding process. Scattering the pieces of Collard Greens in the coop or garden will make their feast delightful.
  • Pinata Tactic: You can use a mesh bag or basket and fill it with Collard Greens. Chickens will come and pick the branches of Greens and feel a contesting environment. It promotes the natural foraging behavior. 
  • Make Kabobs: To make things interesting you can make Kabobs from various vegetables. Skewer the Greens on a stick or branch and make Kabobs. Chickens will enjoy pecking on Kabobs.
  • Frozen Greens: Chop the Collard Greens vegetables and freeze them in ice cubes. Serve these frozen greens to your chickens on a hot day. Ensure the adequate temperature before serving them to your flock.
  • Hide and Seek Environment: Chickens like to play and have contests with their buddies. So provide them the opportunity to search for small tucked-up greens in various locations of the garden. It will mesmerize them for sure.
  • Make a Trail Mix: You should identify the feeds (Honeydew, Lima beans, Persimmons, etc.) that are already fascinating to the chickens. Mix them with Collard Greens to make your flock happy.

How Often Should Chickens Eat Collard Greens?

The quantity and frequency of feeding Collard Greens have grave impacts on the dietary needs of chickens. Excessive use of greens will result in diet imbalance which is not acceptable to chicken lovers. There is no specific formula for an adequate quantity of additives but here are some general guidelines for your consideration.

Feed Collard greens as a small portion of the routine diet. If you are eyeing for frequency of serving greens to chicken then twice a week is a good/safe formula. You should rotate the Greens to diversify the dietary pattern of chickens. Less than 10 percent of Collard Greens can be added to the total diet of chickens. Careful observation and immediate adjustment of collard greens will be highly effective for chicken’s health.

Can Chickens Eat Cooked Collard Greens?

Yes, Chickens can eat cooked Collard greens with some safety measures. Often chicken owners prefer cooked greens over raw greens for their flock. Cooked collard greens will increase the absorption capacity of nutrients. It is suggested to not use excessive salt, oil, and artificial flavors. Chickens like to eat collard greens at normal temperature so cool them after cooking or boiling process. It is important to serve greens in moderation and carefully adjust the feed after observing the response from your flock.

Can Chickens Eat Raw Collard Greens?

Yes, Chickens can enjoy the crunchy treat with raw pecans. Raw Collard Greens are more prone to cause health issues in chickens as compared to cooked Collard Greens. It will be a good addition of nutrients to the diet of chickens but with adherence to some precautions. You should only serve fresh and thoroughly cleaned raw greens to ensure the healthy growth of the flock. Manage to trim the hard stems that enhance their palatability. Use a minimized amount in the starting phase with small pieces and gradually adjust the quantity. Carefully analyze the reaction and consult with a veterinarian. 

Can Chickens Eat Collard Greens Stems?

Serving Collard Greens stems depends on their hardness. The other concerning aspect of stems is their fibrous content. So, hard collard greens stems are not recommended for chickens. It can cause choking problems in chickens of lesser age or size. Secondly, chickens are not fond of eating hard meals. Removing stems is a better option for chickens. Serve only tender stems in bite-sized pieces keeping in mind the size of chickens. Check the reaction and preference of your flock and act accordingly. Remember that moderate intake is very crucial for healthy chickens.

Can Chickens Eat Spoiled Collard Greens?

No, wilted or spoiled Collard greens are harmful to chickens and not recommended. It invites hazardous bacteria and mold which are deadly for chickens. Spoiled Collard Greens will surely spoil your efforts. The harmful bacteria (Salmonella) create severe digestive and gastrointestinal issues for chickens. Chickens can face severe health issues with exposure to mycotoxin in moldy greens. Besides health problems chickens will refrain/avoid eating spoiled feed and suffer nutrient deficiency. So, avoid serving moldy or spoiled collard greens to chickens.

Can Baby Chicks Eat Collard Greens?

Yes, you can serve Collard greens to chicks with some extra care and attention. Baby chickens have a very delicate digestive mechanism. Your small mistake will cause grave problems for chickens. Secondly, baby chickens are more prone to choking issues and hard stems of collard greens are potentially hazardous for them. Above all, baby chicks require a more nutrient-rich diet because of the development phase. Collard greens can cause a deficiency of essential nutrients if used in excessive volume and quantity. If you can combat these hazardous factors then go and serve Collard Greens to your flock. 

The Benefits of Eating Collard Greens for Chickens

As we have already discussed the common aspects related to the compatibility of Collard Greens and Chickens. We are convinced that by following the safety measures, one can feed greens to his flock. How many positive impacts of collard greens you can expect from the greens is our next debate. Here are some benefits of feeding Collard Greens to chickens.

  • Collard greens contain a good amount of nutrients (vitamins and minerals).
  • They contain antioxidants that relieve oxidative stress in chickens.
  • The water content helps in combating dehydration issues in warm weather.
  • The fiber content supports the digestion process and improves gut health.
  • Collard greens are good additives and diversify the diet.
  • The calcium content improves the eggshell’s quality.
  • The fiber part of greens is beneficial for weight management.
  • Using engaging ways can be a source of environmental enrichment.
  • It is a natural feed to fulfill the dietary needs of chickens.
  • Collard Greens contain the nutrients that skin and feathers. 

The Risks of Eating Collard Greens for Chickens

We have discussed the common benefits of Collard Greens for chickens. Now, it’s time to discuss the potential risks of feeding Collard Greens to chickens. Before feeding any diet it is important to understand the outcome. Here are some common harmful effects observed by expert chicken keepers.

  • Collard Greens contain oxalate content which may disturb the kidneys.
  • A sudden intake of greens might cause digestive or intestinal issues.
  • There are high chances of pesticide residues in raw greens.
  • Excessive feeding of collard greens can create a deficiency of nutrients.
  • Collard greens get spoiled very quickly which invites harmful bacteria.
  • Collard green stems have the potential to cause choking issues for chicks.

Precautionary Measures

We have discussed the negative effects of eating collard greens for chickens. Now it is compulsory to make a plan and combat these hazards. We have selected a set of precautions that will help chicken owners to safely serve collard greens to their flock.

  • Always serve greens in moderation.
  • Gradual introduction is recommended by experts.
  • Thoroughly rinse the Collard greens with water to avoid contamination.
  • Cut them into bite-sized pieces to prevent choking problems.
  • Remove the hard stems of greens to make them more palatable for chicks.
  • Never use spoiled collard greens for your chickens.
  • Rotate the greens to prevent the monotony of the diet.
  • Carefully analyse the toxic reaction of chickens.
  • Ensure the removal of pesticide effects.
  • Consult with a professional veterinarian immediately.

Alternatives to Collard Greens for Chickens

Collard Greens are good additives for chickens but if you are looking for alternatives then we have selected some commonly available in your place. These options are nutrient-rich and safe for chickens. You can select according to your personal preference and availability.

  • Kale: Chickens like to have leafy greens in their diet and Kale is one of the most famous vegetables used for chickens. It contains nutrients and other valuable ingredients which is essential for the overall well-being of chickens.
  •  Spinach: The other option available in leafy green vegetables is Spinach. Chicken owners love to add Spinach to their regular diet for chickens. It contains a high volume of vitamins and minerals.
  • Bok Choy: It contains Vitamins A, C, and K. Supports the immune system and feather feather growth. Bok Choy contains potassium content which helps in heart functions. Read here about can chickens eat Bok Choy.
  • Swiss Chard: It has colorful stems and leaves. Swiss chard contains Vitamins A, C, and K. Magnesium content in Swiss chard is helpful in the overall growth of chickens. 
  • Sugar Snap Peas: Sugar snap peas are loved by chickens. It contains a high volume of minerals, vitamins, fiber, and water content. These nutrients ensure the well-being of chickens.
  • Lettuce: It is one of the main leafy greens available in the market. Lettuce is full of iron and magnesium content which are good for chickens. It contains Vitamins A and K. Chicken loves eating Lettuce as part of the diet.
  • Cabbage: This vegetable is available in green, red, and white colors. Cabbage is full of Vitamin A and C. Antioxidant agents help in the digestive process. It is full of fiber which helps to improve overall health. 
  • Dragon Fruit: Chickens like to have dragon fruit flesh in their treat. Dragon fruit is full of nutrients that improve digestion in chickens. Fiber and Iron content provides the required energy for chickens to perform physical activity. 
  • Broccoli: Broccoli is one of the common vegetables around the country. It is full of Vitamins and minerals. The fiber and iron content helps to improve physical activities. It promotes the foraging behavior.
  • Honeydew: Honeydew is also a good alternative to Collard greens as it contains a high volume of vitamins and minerals. Its high water level helps the chickens to combat dehydration problems in warm conditions. 


After carefully analyzing the key factors of eating collard greens that affect chicken’s health we are convinced that chickens can eat collard greens occasionally. It contains the healthy nutrients required for the desired growth of chickens. Collard greens have good effects on the digestive functions of chickens with their fiber content. Serving Collard greens to chickens prevents the danger of dehydration issues. 

 It is very crucial to keep things under control by complying with precautions. Moderation plays a pivotal role in maintaining the desired healthy growth of the flock. To prevent the dangerous outcome one must follow the proper preparation and feeding method as described in this article. Never use Collard greens as the primary diet for your flock. Above all, Careful observation of response from your flock and re-adjustment of the feeding plan is of utmost importance. 

If you have any queries or idea regarding the matters discussed in this article, please write in the comment section. Sharing of knowledge will be helpful for all chicken owners. 

Samee Ullah

Samee Ullah

A dedicated chicken enthusiast on a mission to share the secrets of optimal avian health. I delve into the intricacies of balanced diets, supplements, and feeding practices that contribute to happy, healthy chickens. Through my writing, I aim to empower fellow enthusiasts, farmers, and backyard flock keepers with knowledge that ensures the overall well-being of our feathered friends.

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