Can Chickens Eat Blackberries? An Unclouded Clarity

Updated: 15 Jun 24


Berries are nutrient-rich food and blackberries are among the most famous varieties of Berries. Mindful chicken owners worried about: Can chickens eat Blackberries? Technically, yes they can munch on blackberries occasionally but there are some concerns. These concerns will be discussed in detail and provide a clear solution to every apprehension. So, let’s start decoding the mysteries related to blackberries.

can chickens eat blackberries

Can Chickens Have Blackberries? Let’s Make it Clear

What are Blackberries?

 Blackberry is a fruit with a sweet-tarter flavor and soft-juicy texture. They are grown on thorny bushes. They are available in dark purple and black colors when fully ripe. Blackberries are native to Asia, North America, South America, and Europe. They are packed with minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants which are helpful in optimal growth of chickens. They are eaten fresh and can also be incorporated into desserts, jams, and jellies.

The nutritional value of Blackberries

The nutritional value of any food is a major property to justify its application for clucking birds. Blackberries are packed with vitamins (A, C, K, and E). It also possesses healthy minerals like potassium, copper, magnesium, and folate. Blackberries have dietary fiber which is good for digestion. Antioxidant content like flavonoids and polyphenols are available in Blackberries.

 Blackberry is a low-calorie fruit with a high water level. It is good to serve blackberries in summer to prevent dehydration issues in chickens. The nutrients mentioned above are supportive to strengthen the immune system of your flock.

Do Chickens Like to Eat Blackberries?

We have asked this query to many chicken keepers and they replied: yes, chickens love to have blackberries in their treat. The fruit has a sweet and juicy flavor which is liked by chickens.  Culinary preferences vary according to your location and type of breed. So, introduce Blackberries in small amounts and check the reaction of your backyard flock.

How to feed Blackberries to Chickens

We have understood the nutritional breakdown of Blackberries. It is a crucial factor to serve blackberries in an entertaining way to attain maximum benefits. We have some suggestions in this regard.

  • Select Fresh Blackberries: It is advised to serve blackberries to chickens straight from the source. Pluck the blackberries & offer them to the chickens.
  • Frozen Delights: Frozen blackberries are good for chickens during the summer season. It is fun for chickens to peck at refreshing blackberry snacks.
  • Berries Mix-Trail: Many types of berries can be mixed and offered to chickens. It will be colorful and nutritious food for chickens.
  • Blackberry Kabobs: Hanging kabobs or blackberries will attract chickens. You can make kabobs by threading berries on solid branches of plants.
  • Make Blackberry Pulp: You can prepare blackberry pulp by mashing it with some favorite foods of chickens. It will add a fruity twist.
  • Scatter Blackberries: After proper preparation, you can scatter blackberries around the run area and let your flock hunt for their food.

Can Baby Chicks Eat Blackberries?

Yes, baby chickens can eat blackberries with some extra precautionary measures. We advise you to not indulge in feeding blackberries to chickens during the first month. You should serve a formulated commercial diet during the first month to baby chicks. Serve blackberries to baby chickens according to their age and size. Chop or mash blackberries and offer them in small volumes to young chickens. Observe their reaction and adjust the volume accordingly. To prevent any loss your monitoring is very crucial. So, ensure your presence.

Which Parts of Blackberries is Edible?

Can Chickens Eat Blackberry Seeds?

Yes, chickens can consume blackberry seeds in moderation. If their age is more than one month they can easily digest blackberry seeds. Blackberry seeds are small in size and pose no threat to chicken’s health if served in controlled amounts. To be on the safer side, you can chop them and prevent any sort of choking hazards.

Can Chickens Eat Blackberry Leaves?

Blackberry leaves are not recommended for chickens. They contain some harmful compounds like tannins which can be toxic for chickens. We will not suggest foraging your backyard flock on blackberry leaves. Some poultry experts have served blackberry leaves to their flock and observed negative effects on chicken’s health. Ensuring chicken’s healthy growth is our prime motive. So, avoid offering blackberry leaves to chickens.

Can Chickens Eat Blackberry Stems?

No, blackberry stems are not good for chickens. Stems are the hard part of the plant and can create choking issues for backyard birds. Additionally, their nutritional value is low compared to other parts of blackberry. It will result in nutrient deficiency in chickens which is not good for their growth. Blackberry stems may cause digestive problems. With our experience, we are not in favor of serving blackberry stems to chickens.

Can Chickens Eat Frozen Blackberries?

Yes, chickens can eat frozen blackberries in a limited volume. It will be a fun treat for your flock to have frozen blackberries in summer. It will provide hydration to your flock. Properly defrost the frozen bars of blackberries before serving them to your flock. You can crush them to make pecking easier for chickens. It is strongly advised to ensure moderation.

Can Chickens Eat Wild Blackberries?

Yes, chickens have wild blackberries in moderation. Wild blackberries are nutrient-rich and delicious food for chickens if served with some caution. You should avoid serving wild berries if there is a risk of pesticide residues. Wild berries have bushes with hard stems and thorns which are hazardous for chickens. Never serve unripe or spoiled blackberries to chickens. Offer wild blackberries in moderation and monitor the response from their flock.  

Can Chickens Eat Moldy Blackberries?

No, moldy blackberries are not healthy for chickens. They can contain toxins like mycotoxin which are fatal for chickens. According to poultry experts, moldy blackberries can cause digestive, mental, and other health problems in chickens. So, it is essential to remove moldy parts of blackberries and serve decontaminated blackberries to your flock.

Can I Give My Chickens Blackberry Jelly or Jam?

Yes, chickens love to have blackberry jam or jelly. We recommend it in moderation because excessive intake of blackberry jam is not healthy. You should ensure the safety of chickens with some precautions. Blackberry jams available in the market have high sugar levels which is not recommended for chickens. We recommend plain blackberry jams without any sort of artificial flavors. So, offer plain blackberry jams in moderation.  

The Health Benefits of Blackberries for Chickens

Blackberry is a nutritious fruit and can be beneficial for chickens if served in moderation with simple precautionary measures. If you follow the guidelines you will gain these benefits from blackberries.

  • Blackberries offer many nutritional benefits for chickens.
  • The fiber content also supports the digestive process in chickens.
  • Blackberries have antioxidant properties that improve mental health.
  • High water levels of blackberries will prevent dehydration in chickens.
  • Chickens love to forage and peck at blackberries which stimulates mental
  • It is a good source to diversify the diet plan of chickens.
  • Blackberries are good for improving the immune system of chickens.
  • Blackberry is a natural treat that has many benefits for your flock.
  • Poultry owners have dubbed blackberries as an anti-inflammatory food.
  • Blackberries are a good source of improving feather growth in chickens.

Potential Risks of Blackberries for Chickens

Although, blackberries are nutrient-rich fruit and have some beneficial benefits. If you serve blackberries carelessly in excessive amounts, it can have some negative impacts on chicken’s health. Here are some common hazards of blackberries for chickens.

  • Excessive use of fiber can cause digestive issues like diarrhea.
  • Blackberry has a high volume of sugar level which causes obesity.
  • Some chickens are sensitive & face gastrointestinal issues with blackberry.
  • If you serve blackberries stems and leaves, it may cause choking problems.
  • However, chickens rarely show allergic reactions.
  • Overconsumption of blackberries can cause nutritional imbalance.

What Berries are good for Chickens?

If you are not satisfied with the nutritional value of chickens then consider these alternate options.

  • Blueberries: Blueberries are nutrient-rich and have supportive properties for the overall growth of chickens. Blueberries are rich in antioxidant content.
  • Strawberries: Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber content. Strawberries are good for the overall well-being of your flock.
  • Raspberries: Raspberries are another nutritious option for chickens. Raspberries are best for the summer season to prevent dehydration.
  • Cranberries: Cranberries have many health benefits for your flock. Cranberries contain antioxidants & other nutrients that are good for the urinary tract.
  • Elderberries: Some poultry experts prefer elderberries for their nutritional profile. Elderberries are good for enhancing immune functionality in the flock.
  • Mulberries: Mulberries are packed with vitamins (C & K), minerals, and iron. Mulberries are nutritious and tasty foods. Understand the Pros and Cons of Mulberries.
  • Goji Berries: Goji berries are filled with nutrients. They are also famous as wolfberries in some locations. They are a good alternative to Blackberries.


We are convinced that chickens can have blackberries in moderation. Simple precautionary measures are essential for the safety of our beloved backyard chickens. The most important step is a moderate serving of blackberries. It will prevent digestive issues, choking issues, and nutrient deficiency in the flock.

The other key takeaways are:

  • Select fresh blackberries.
  • Ensure proper decontamination.
  • Never serve blackberry leaves and stems.
  • Offer blackberries after properly chopping them.
  • Mix blackberries with other foods like grains and seeds.
  • Introduce blackberries gradually and observe their reaction.
  • Above all, Offer chopped blackberries in moderation to chickens.

If you have any concerns or reservations related to the facts and experience shared in this article, please share your thoughts in the comment section.

Samee Ullah

Samee Ullah

A dedicated chicken enthusiast on a mission to share the secrets of optimal avian health. I delve into the intricacies of balanced diets, supplements, and feeding practices that contribute to happy, healthy chickens. Through my writing, I aim to empower fellow enthusiasts, farmers, and backyard flock keepers with knowledge that ensures the overall well-being of our feathered friends.

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