Can Chickens Eat Arugula? Decisive Insights

Updated: 20 Apr 24


Arugula provides crunchy goodness with a peppery touch. In curiosity to offer a well-balanced diet to their flock of chickens owners often ponder upon the nutritional benefits of Arugula. We are going to resolve the mystery with a well-rounded discussion. We have concluded the debate with facts and expert opinion. So, grab a cup of coffee and join us through the exploration journey of culinary sensation for our poultry friends with Arugula.   

Can Chickens Eat Arugula? A Complete Guide

What Is Arugula?

Arugula is a leafy green vegetable also known as a rocket. It is famous for its peppery taste with nutty flavor. It originated from the Mediterranean region. This dark green leafy vegetable is served as a salad because of its bold flavor. It has a bundle of nutrients that supports the overall growth of chickens. In the starting phase, it was also offered as medicine for digestive problems. 

Is Arugula Safe for Chickens?

Arugula does not contain any type of toxins and chickens can easily consume it. Chickens may respond with irritation due to its nuttiness. Arugula is safe for chickens if served in moderation. It contains a rich nutritional profile will be discussed in our next subheading. It is advised to all chicken owners to vigilantly monitor the outcomes of Arugula. 

Nutritional Value of Arugula

Chickens need a well-balanced diet full of nutrients. Arugula is packed with a wide range of nutrients. It contains Vitamins, Minerals, antioxidants, Proteins, Calories, and fiber content. We have organized a table that provides a complete breakdown of the nutritional profile of Arugula. The values given in the table might have changes according to your location and season. 100 grams of Arugula contains:

Calories25Calcium160 mg
Protein2.6 gramsPotassium369 mg
Fat0.7 gramsIron1.46 mg
Carbohydrates3.7 gramsMagnesium47 mg
Fiber1.6 gramsPhosphorus52 mg
Vitamin A2373 IUZinc0.47 mg
Vitamin C15 mgManganese0.321 mg
Vitamin K108.6 mcgSodium27 mg

How Should You Feed Arugula to Your Flock?

Although Arugula is the nutrient-rich supplementary diet for chickens feeding technique is very vital. How you serve Arugula will either ruin all benefits or make it a delightful treat. It is better to start with a minimum value and gradually increase the volume according to the demand of your flock. Never select spoiled Arugula which will disturb the digestion in chickens. 

You must thoroughly clean the Arugula with running water before serving it to your poultry animals. To avoid choking issues in young chickens it is suggested to chop Arugula into small pieces. You can place Arugula pieces in the coop and let your feathered birds peck at them. It is better to limit the volume of Arugula to avoid diet imbalance. 

Can Chickens Eat Raw Arugula?

Yes, Chickens enjoy Arugula in raw form but you have to take care of some potential hazards. Raw Arugula has more potential to carry dirt and pesticide residues. It is very important to serve raw Arugula under your supervision after a proper cleaning process. On the other hand, raw arugula contains a high volume of nutrients. Additionally, chickens love to have leafy greens. So, you can safely serve raw form of Arugula to your chickens. You can’t ignore the moderation principle for Arugula.

Is Cooked Arugula Healthy for Chickens?

Yes, cooked Arugula is a safe option for chickens. It removes the chances of pesticide residues. Light steaming or boiling will also increase its palatability and chickens like to have a tender diet. On the other hand, the raw form of Arugula contains more nutrients than cooked Arugula. The cooking process of Arugula destroys some of the nutrients which is not a good sign for chickens. So, it depends on your personal preference that you opt for raw or cooked Arugula. After consulting with various poultry experts we prefer to serve raw Arugula to our flock.

Can Chickens Eat Arugula Seeds?

Yes, Arugula seeds are nutritious and can be used occasionally. Chicken owners serve Arugula seeds after mixing them with other feeds. We have also found the seeds mixed in commercial diets for animals. It is considered a rich source of proteins which is the main nutrient for chicken’s growth. Chicken loves to forage in the coop for the scattered Arugula seeds. Before serving them to chickens you should check their cleanliness or mold-free status. Chickens can easily consume them without any choking hazards.

Can chickens Eat Arugula Leaves?

Yes, Chickens can peck at Arugula leaves. Green leaves are always fascinating for birds. Arugula leaves also provide a decent amount of nutritional value for chickens. Arugula leaves can be served in raw or cooked form to chickens. Chickens love to play with these lush green treats scattered in the garden. You must clean these leaves with water to avoid digestive issues. Pesticide residues can have a disastrous impact on chicken’s health. It is essential to serve fresh and mold-free Arugula leaves to our flock. 

Can Chickens Eat Arugula Flowers in Water?

Yes, chickens have no issues to consume Arugula leaves. Flowers also contain some healthy nutrients for chickens. It is very rare to have Arugula flowers flooded in the water. Commonly Arugula leaves and stems are served to chickens without flowers. If you have access to their flowers then go for it. Chickens will love to have an entertaining treat with these flowers scattered in their coop or backyard garden. 

Can Chickens Eat Bolted Arugula?

Yes, chickens can have bolted Arugula. Bolted Arugula refers to the natural life cycle when it starts producing seeds and flowers. As we have already discussed, chickens do not have issues with flowers and seeds. Bolted Arugula is also a tender and flavorful diet for your flock. As usual, you must focus on serving cleaned and decontaminated Arugula bolts to your chickens. Never compromise on a moderate serving of Arugula. It is necessary to monitor their response and consult with an expert veterinarian. 

Can Chickens Eat Arugula Scraps?

Yes, chickens can have scarps of Arugula. Arugula scraps do not mean that you can serve molded leaves or stems of Arugula. Fresh and cleaned leftovers or stems of Arugula are healthy for chickens. Always ensure a limited amount of arugula feed for your flock. It is very important to supervise the process and observe reactions from chickens. It will suggest to you what measures should be taken to keep things under control.

Can chickens eat Baby Arugula?

Yes, baby Arugula will be a delightful treat for chickens. Baby Arugula has tender leaves and stems. The soft texture is liked by chickens. The delicate texture and mild flavor make baby Arugula more palatable for young chickens. Baby Arugula contains essential nutrients like minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Chop these tender leaves and scatter them around the garden. You can prepare a mixed trail with arugula pieces. It will make an entertaining feast for chickens.

Can Baby Chickens Eat Arugula?

Yes, baby chickens can have Arugula with some safety measures. Baby chicks have less immunity powers as compared to fully grown chickens. You must ensure the decontamination to prevent digestive problems. Serve Arugula to baby chicks in small pieces according to their age and size. You should avoid using Arugula for chicks in the first two weeks. Instead, focus on providing them commercial diet with calculated nutritious value. You should not compromise their growth and development by providing them with an imbalanced diet. 

Feeding Frequency of Arugula to Chickens?

Even though we are convinced that Arugula is a healthy addition to chicken’s diet how much and how frequently can we serve it to chickens is a crucial factor. There is no specific value as it varies according to the size and age of your backyard friends. We did not recommend serving Arugula during the first two weeks. From 3rd to 6th Weak you can introduce Arugula in a small amount. Never serve Arugula as the primary source of nutrition for chickens. 

Hens require a high volume of calcium content for egg production and good-quality of eggshells. Now they are probably more than twenty weeks older and can easily digest diverse dietary options like fruits, grains, seeds, and leafy greens. When serving Arugula to chickens, you must limit its value to under 10% of their total diet to prevent nutrient deficiency. Calculated changes in their feed must be done concerning their reaction.

Benefits of Serving Arugula to Chickens

Arugula contains some healthy components that are beneficial for chickens. Your flock can enjoy these benefits only if you serve Arugula in moderation. Excessive use of Arugula will ruin all these positive traits. Here is a list of common benefits of Arugula for your flock.

  • Arugula provides nutrition like minerals, vitamins, and folate.
  • It contains anti-oxidant content which protects the cell system.
  • The water content provides hydration to chickens in warm weather.
  • Arugula supports the digestive process with its fiber content.
  • It helps chickens to maintain a balanced weight with low calories.
  • Arugula enhances the immune system of chickens.
  • It also improves bone health with calcium content.
  • It develops the egg quality and production in hens.
  • It promotes the natural foraging behavior in chickens.
  • It helps to diversify the diet plan of chickens.

Potential Hazards of Serving Arugula to Chickens

Every food has some negative effects besides the beneficial side. As a chicken enthusiast, it is crucial to understand these drawbacks and identify them in your flock. Timely rectification of these hazards will help you to keep your flock safe and healthy. Here is a list of the dangerous effects of Arugula.

  • Oxalate content in Arugula can cause kidney issues in chickens.
  • If Arugula is served in excessive amounts it can lead to digestive upset.
  • Some chickens might show allergic reactions after eating Arugula.
  • There are chances of pesticide residues if not properly cleaned.
  • It can create choking hazards
  • Excessive amounts can cause nutrient deficiency.

Alternatives to Arugula for Chickens

Arugula is easily available and can be a good source to diversify the chicken’s diet. If you are pondering some nutritious alternatives of Arugula for chickens then we have some suggestions. Here are compatible alternates of Arugula.

Vegetables: There is a variety of options available in vegetables for chickens. Broccoli, Carrots, Lettuce, Beets, Kale, Swiss chard, and Squash are nutritious supplementary diet options for the flock.

Fruits: Fruits are delightful feed for chickens. You can make a mix-trail of fruits seeds, and grains to increase its palatability. Watermelon, Bananas, Apples, Strawberries, and Honeydew are favorable options for chickens.

Herbs: Herbs are a better option to please our flock with nutritious food. They support the immune system and enhance the egg production/quality in chickens. Lavender, Oregano, Mint, and Parsley are the best options for chickens.

SEEDS: Chickens like to search for their diet. Scattered seeds might entertain them and make their treat delightful. They are nutrient-rich and can diversify the diet plan. Chia Seeds, Hemp Seeds, Flax seeds, and Sunflower Seeds are best. 

Samee Ullah

Samee Ullah

A dedicated chicken enthusiast on a mission to share the secrets of optimal avian health. I delve into the intricacies of balanced diets, supplements, and feeding practices that contribute to happy, healthy chickens. Through my writing, I aim to empower fellow enthusiasts, farmers, and backyard flock keepers with knowledge that ensures the overall well-being of our feathered friends.

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