Can Chickens Eat Chickpeas? What You Need to Know!

Updated: 7 Aug 24


It is normal for a chicken enthusiast to be concerned about a chicken’s diet. Can chickens eat chickpeas shows that concern. Yes, chickens can have chickpeas or garbanzo beans but with some considerations. The query requires more than just cursory attention.

We must understand the nutritional value, digestibility issues, toxic impacts, and potential risks of feeding chickpeas to our flock. So, let’s unravel the scientific facts behind chickens and chickpeas and make a well-informed decision.  

can chickens eat chickpeas

Can Chickens Eat Chickpeas? What You Need to Know!

Are Chickpeas Safe for Chickens?

Chickpeas are generally safe and beneficial for chickens in their balanced diet. Chickpeas contain some anti-nutritional compounds like lectins, tannins, and oligosaccharides which are digestion-resistant. To minimize their effects, cooking is the only solution.      

Nutritional Profile of Chickpeas

Chickpeas or garbanzo beans are famous for their nutrient-rich profile. They contain a good volume of protein content which helps in muscles and feather growth of chickens. Chickpeas are packed with dietary fiber. It improves the digestion process and gut health by supporting bowel movement. So, chickpeas are good for preventing constipation issues.

Chickpeas are a good source of Vitamin B and folate. It supports the production of red blood cells. Chickpea helps chickens in their metabolism by its iron content. The beans are a good source of calcium which improves bone health.  Chick peas also provide anti-oxidants that release oxidative stress in chickens.

In which Forms Can Chickens have Chickpeas?

Chickpeas can be served in many forms. Each form has different properties. So, we have decided to understand each form one by one. After understanding all forms, we will go with the most favorable one.

Can Chickens Eat Raw Chickpeas?

No, it would help if you did not serve raw chickpeas to your flock. Raw chickpeas contain protease inhibitors which hinder nutrient absorption. These harmful compounds can lead to gastrointestinal issues in chickens. Additionally, raw garbanzo beans have the potential to carry pesticide residues and dirt. These compounds will worsen the health status of our flock. The common negative effects are slow weight gain and decreased egg reduction. So, raw chickpeas are not favorable for chickens.                 

Can Chickens Eat Cooked Chickpeas?

Yes, chickens can munch on cooked chickpeas in moderation. Cooking makes its texture softer which is easier to digest for chickens. It will prevent choking issues. Above all, cooked chickpeas have less concentration of toxic compounds like tannins. Black beans were also suggested to be served in a cooked form which has almost the same issues. Remember to not use artificial flavor or seasonings in the cooking process.

Can Chickens Eat Roasted Chickpeas?

Yes, roasted chickpeas are a nutritious addition to chicken’s diet. It will enhance the crunchy texture of chickpeas. Like other types of cooking, roasting the chickpeas will neutralize the toxic effects of chickpeas to a certain extent. Again, we are not recommending you use mayonnaise or other flavors. Roasted chickpeas are allowed as an occasional diet of chickens. So, serve them sparingly.

Can Chickens Eat Soaked Chickpeas?

Yes, chickens can eat soaked chickpeas after they are properly cooked. The soaking process will make the chickpea texture softer and easier to consume for chickens. You have to soak chickpeas in water for overnight. It will make some complex carbohydrates digestible for the flock. Keep in mind that we have recommended only soaked chickpeas in cooked form. You can’t serve raw chickpeas after the soaking process.

Can Chickens Eat Dried Chickpeas?

No, dried chickpeas are not healthy for chickens. The drying process makes chickpeas hard and difficult to consume for chickens. The potential for choking problems will also increase. Additionally, dried chickpeas contain inhibitors which creates problems in absorption of nutrients. So, we advise you to serve only cooked or soaked chickpeas to your flock.

Can Chickens Eat Sprouted Chickpeas?

Yes, chickens can eat sprouted chickpeas. Chickpea sprouts will enhance their nutritional value. They are packed with vitamins, and minerals and make digestion easier for chickens. To take maximum benefits from chickpea sprouts, you have to properly decontaminate them with water. Serve only fresh sprouts of chickpeas to your flock. Offer them sparingly in small amounts to chickens.

Can Chickens Eat Canned Chickpeas?

It depends. Generally, canned chickpeas contain salt and other preservatives which are harmful to chickens. Some of them are available with added sugar and spices. Canned chickpeas with additional additives are not recommended for chickens. Yes, you can serve plain canned chickpeas to our flock. So, check the label carefully and avoid them if it contains artificial flavors or other additives.

Can Chickens Eat Chickpea Pasta?

Yes, chickens can have properly cooked chickpea pasta. As always we suggest you prefer unseasoned or plain chickpea pasta for your backyard flock. Pasta should be cooked before serving it to chickens. Raw pasta is not recommended for chickens. So, serve cooked chickpea pasta in moderation to your poultry friends.

Can Chickens Eat Chickpea Skin?

Yes, chickens can have chickpea skin after it is properly cooked. The skin of raw chickpeas is hard and difficult to digest for your flock. The cooking process makes the skin softer and easier to digest for your flock. Introduce cooked chickpea skin gradually to your flock and observe their response. It is good to diversify the chicken’s diet but ensure moderation.

Benefits of Chickpeas for Chickens

Chickens peas have a wide range of nutrients that are good for the overall growth of chickens. So, let’s identify the advantages of chickpeas. Here is a list of common benefits:

  • Chickpeas are supportive of feather and muscle development.
  • Chickpea is helpful in bowel movement and the digestion process.
  • Chick pea is useful for hens in increasing egg production and quality.
  • Chickpeas are good for boosting the immune system in chickens.
  • It contains carbohydrates that provide instant energy to chickens.
  • Chickpeas are supportive of the skin maintenance of your flock.
  • Chick pea is a good source to diversify the diet plan of chickens.

Potential Hazards of Chickpeas for Chickens

It is vital to timely identify the hazards of chickpeas. So, you should be aware of common risks associated with chickpeas. Here is a list of the disadvantages of chickpeas for chickens.

  • Raw chickpeas are difficult to digest for chickens.
  • Chickpeas are hard and can cause a choking process.
  • Excessive fiber content can cause diarrhea or impacted cop.
  • Overuse of chickpeas can lead to nutritional deficiency.
  • Salt and additives are fatal for chicken’s growth.
  • It contains protease inhibitors which are not good for nutrient absorption.
  • Poultry experts have observed some allergic reactions in chickens.
  • Chickpeas are prone to fungal contamination.

Alternative foods for Chickens

If you are comfortable with the pros and cons of chickpeas then consider these options.

  • Leafy Greens: leafy greens are good alternatives to chickpeas. Kale, lettuce, Swiss chard, and spinach are famous dietary options for chickens.
  • Vegetables: Chickens love to peck at vegetables. Vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, sugar snap peas, and broccoli are packed with nutrients.
  • Fruits: Fruits are favorable for chickens because they have a good ratio of water content. Apples, bananas, cantaloupe, and mulberries are best.
  • Grains: Grains are the best source to diversify the diet plan for chickens. Oats, Quinoa, and barley are commonly served to backyard clucking birds.
  • Pumpkin and Squash: Both pumpkin and squash are nutrient-rich foods for chickens. They improve digestion and support the overall growth of chickens.
  • Beans: Other beans like black beans, kidney beans, and lentils in cooked form are good sources of energy for chickens.


In conclusion, we can say that chickpeas are good for chickens in the cooked form. Raw chickpeas are not recommended for chickens. The preparation process is important to make cooked chickpeas safe for our clucking birds. You can serve soaked chickpeas after cooking them properly.

The protease inhibitors in raw chickpeas are harmful to chickens. It creates difficulties in nutrient absorption. The cooking process has a neutralizing impact on these toxic compounds like tannins. It is important to limit the portion of cooked chickpeas to under 5% of the total diet of chickens. Excessive use of chickpeas can lead to nutritional deficiencies and digestive issues.

Samee Ullah

Samee Ullah

A dedicated chicken enthusiast on a mission to share the secrets of optimal avian health. I delve into the intricacies of balanced diets, supplements, and feeding practices that contribute to happy, healthy chickens. Through my writing, I aim to empower fellow enthusiasts, farmers, and backyard flock keepers with knowledge that ensures the overall well-being of our feathered friends.

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